Thursday, January 9, 2014

Trials Aren't Permanent

So I have a food allergy.  When I eat fresh fruits or vegetables, my mouth begins to itch and scratch and occasionally swell.  It really is annoying, but I can easily avoid the irritation by not eating those foods, or making sure that when I do eat them that they're cooked first.  My companion recently said, "I'm sorry that you can't eat those foods."

"That's okay, it's not like it's permanent." I responded without too much thought.

There was a small moment of silence before she said, "What do you mean?" 

I thought for a moment, then said, "Well, when we're all resurrected, I won't have that problem anymore.  I'll have a perfected body."  Silence returned to the car.

Funny, I've never thought of it that way before.

Two thoughts entered my head.  One being, I never really thought about how this allergy would stay with me for the rest of my life.  How every time I'd eat food I'd have to avoid fresh fruits and vegetables.  It didn't seem like a big deal, just an odd quirk of mine.  But once I thought about it, it seemed to be like an actual trial.  Weird.

The second thought was how true it was that it wasn't permanent.  I won't always deal with it.  One day it won't be a problem.  Suddenly a lot more problems in life were put into that same perspective.  It's not permanent.  Broken limbs will be healed, financial debts will be erased, problems at work will be forgotten.  Every trial will be over and done with.  They're not permanent.

With that kind of a perspective of life, things become a little more bearable.  My fears about the future are set aside, and the concerns about the present can be dealt with.  I can get through it.  Whatever the challenge may be, it won't always be there.  I can rely on Christ and he will get me through.  More often than not, I am stronger and better because of it.

So it's okay that things are hard.  Just remember that they won't always be like that. 

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