Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Line Upon Line, Ring Upon Ring

There is a missionary I know named Sister McBride (my current companion cough!) who had a ring given to her about 5 months ago.  It was pretty, and she loved it, but the moment she took it off it fell apart!!  *dramatic gasp*  But do not worry, my friends.  The ring was supposed to do that.  The ring she was given is a puzzle ring, one where you have to fit all the pieces together to make the ring.
A worthy challenge.

There was just one problem: she couldn't put it back together.  
For months and months she worked on it, slowly learning how each individual piece had notches that hooked together with other pieces.  It took time, and it took effort, but she still couldn't figure out!  She was able to put a few rings together, but the final pieces still wouldn't fit.  It was a little frustrating for her because she couldn't put the ring back on her finger until it was fully completed.
She asked for help, but no one around knew how to solve the puzzle.  She tried again, she persevered, until she one day held her hand up triumphantly, ring together in perfect order.  All it took was one ring at a time.

This is how we learn just about anything in this life, and especially things relating to the gospel.  We don't understand things all at once - rarely do we understand it even when someone has explained it to us.  We learn "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little" until we have received the fullness.  

"Blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more;" (2 Nephi 28:30)  When we open our hearts and our minds to understanding, and apply the things we have learned, we will learn more.  Little by little we will receive until there won't be room enough to receive it.

Keep learning, my friends.  Study the scriptures with a prayer for the Holy Ghost to teach you.  Don't give up when things get tricky or confusing, keep trying.  In the end, it will all work out.  Heavenly Father desires to help you progress until you become like him, and he will help you every step of the way as you lean on him for guidance.  I know you can do this.  You will succeed. 

Life is one big puzzle, and Christ has given us all the pieces in the scriptures.  Let's find those pieces and put it all together.

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