The first commandment that was ever recorded in
scripture was "let there be light" (Genesis 1:3). While it was
spoken in reference to the creation of the world, it also applies to us.
What is this light? It is the light of Christ. "The
Spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the world" (Doctrine and
Covenants 84:46) Everyone has this light because it comes from our Father
in Heaven. How brightly we shine depends on what we do with it.
When we follow Christ's example of love, service, and charity, then our
light shines brightly for all to see. When we are disobedient, that light
grows dim.
Even with all of the gunk that is going on in the
world today, we can let our lights shine with goodness. A simple smile, a
friendly "hello", or even a sincere question of "how are you
doing today?" makes a big difference when life seems dark and dreary.
You don't need to do big things to make a difference.
This also parallels our lives. Some people are
in the middle of attention, and many people praise them for their good works -
their light. Others may be doing similar things, but might not be noticed
for their efforts. It's easy in those moments to feel discouraged, that
you're not good enough to be put in the middle, or your light is not important.
Please, do not let your light grow dim because you think it's not
important. Your efforts are very much needed! Do good works no
matter where you are, and do your best in every situation. It won't
always be front and center, but it will always be worthwhile.
Every person is different, and so is every candle.
Some people go the extra 3 miles to get a job done, while others slide by
with minimum effort. Some candles are big and last for hours and hours
before they finally admit defeat. Others, like birthday candles, come and
go in a matter of minutes. We need to build ourselves up to last through
anything. We must become consistent in our efforts - and that takes time
and effort.
Think of the way that candles were made in the past,
they didn't fill molds with wax, they started with a single string and dipped
it into the wax. Layer after layer after layer they had to work to get a
single candle formed. This is parallel to our lives, we don't become
great in one dazzling moment, but by our daily actions we build up our
character until we become someone who will last through anything. "That which is of
God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God,
receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until
the perfect day." (Doctrine and Covenants 50:24)
This is also true about us. When we hide our
light and hold back on doing good, we're not just simply keeping others from
seeing the good, our own light and capabilities diminish with it. Our
light grows when we share it. When we do good, we become more able to do
more. So don't shy away from doing something good!
Whenever it's time to light the
candles on a birthday cake, there is really only one way to do it (or at least
only one way that I've ever done): You light one candle with the match, and
then you use that candle to light all of the others. The candle isn't
diminished because of this, it still burns happily even as the flame multiplies
from one candle to 9 flickering flames.
This is another benefit to us sharing
our light and doing good works. It not only makes the world a brighter
and better place, but it also inspires others to do the same. There is a
quote in my room that says "your spark could turn into a flame and change
everything". Our one act of good can set off a chain of events where
another person does a good deed, and then another, and then another. We
are not lessened by the experience, in fact quite the opposite. When we
share our light, others will share theirs.
Our light comes from the light of
Christ, and when we shine brightly, we are pointing the way to His eternal
light. It creates a path for others to
follow, so then they can travel in safety.
Robert D Hales said,
“Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps you are the light sent by
Heavenly Father to lead another safely home or to be a beacon from a distance to
show the way back to the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life?
Your light is a beacon and should never stop burning or mislead those who are
looking for a way home. Let the lower lights keep burning—you may save a
struggling seaman in the turbulent sea of life.”
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and
glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) There are a lot of good
things that we can and ought to do in this life. There are many reasons why we should, but the
most important thing to remember is to do it.
Let your light shine; don’t hold it back for any reason. Share your good works, share your testimony,
share your light. You were made to shine
brightly, for you are a child of God.
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