Her mother knew, and after a few inquiries she pulled out the different powders. "They are different," she explained to the small child. "Here, taste them, you'll be able to tell the difference." And she promptly placed the differing ingredients on Sister Butts' tongue.
Sister Butts solemnly nodded her head, and she skirted away from the kitchen.
The honest answer was "No, Mom. But I do understand that I did something terribly wrong and you were punishing me by putting a foreign tasting substance in my mouth."
Okay, maybe I wouldn't have been so articulate.
In that instance I wasn't focused on learning and changing my behavior, I was more focused on what I saw as a punishment. It was an excellent opportunity to learn the difference between the two substances, but I saw it more as a severe chastisement for messing up. My mother acted out of love and a desire to help me grow. I chose to look at it from the negative point of view.
As I thought about this experience, a scripture came to mind: "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth..." Hebrews 12:6. The greatest act of love that God can have for us is when he corrects us. If you don't care about someone, then you don't care when you see them making mistakes and suffering those consequences. It shows great love when God reaches out to stop us from putting ourselves into further danger.
In Hebrews 12:11 it says "Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby." I did not like it when my mother put baking soda in my mouth (that stuff is not made to be eaten alone), but if I had paid attention, then I would have learned the difference between soda and powder.
A lot of times we are put through trials where we don't find any joy, but afterwards (if we are paying attention) we receive knowledge. That is how God works. He is always teaching us by who and what he places in our path. He is not one who punishes us out of spite or anger, but chides us out of love when it is necessary.
"Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness." Romans 12:9-10 God always chastens us so then we can learn, and not for his own pleasure. He can see the bigger picture of who we need to become and what we need to do and change to get there. "That we might be partakers of his holiness", he corrects us so then we could have the blessing of becoming as he is: holy.
Every day is a learning opportunity. Use every moment you have been given. I still don't know the difference between baking soda and baking powder (sorry Mom), but one day I will. I am going to do all I can to learn from the "punishments" that God has given, and see them for what they really are: "opportunities". I challenge you to do the same.
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